
torsdag 30 januari 2014

Franska musikfrågor

Quel type de musique préfères-tu? Je ne sais pas, je n’écoute pas souvent de la musique 
mais si j’écoute, je préfère la musique house.

Ce qui tes artistes favorits? je n’ai pas d’artistes favorite.

Quel est ta chanson préférée? Je n'ai pas de chanson que j'aime

Est-ce que tu écoutes souvent la radio? Je n’écoute pas du radio.

Est-ce que tu joues un instrument? Je peux jouer du guitare, un peu.

Voudrais-tu apprendre? Je voudrais apprendre à jouer du basse.

onsdag 29 januari 2014

Optik kikare

Uppgift: Bygg en modell av ett mikroskop eller en kikare.
Syfte: Kunna planera och genomföra en egen laboration.
Hypotes: vi tänker använda oss av konvexa linser 
Material: optik bänk, Muffar, Linser av olika sorter,

Utförande: Vi ska använda oss av en optik bänk och sätter muffar på den med linser och så testar vi oss fram och ser hur det blir.

onsdag 22 januari 2014


The story is about a boy called Richard Wright. He lives with his mother and brother. His father left their family. Richard were hungry and ask if his mother could give him some food. But she told him that they didn’t have any.
He had to whait for his mother to get a job so she could buy the food, it had always been dad who brought the food to them. And with him gone mother couldn’t put food on the table. 
First Richard liked it when dad wasn’t there because he could make how much noise he wanted to. Mom got a job as a cook and left him and his brother i the apartment with some bread and tea. One day Richard went down to buy some food and he saw a gang and they robbed him of his money and he ran home. Once home he said what happend and she gave him money and sent him out again. He saw the same boys and ran home scared. His mom said to go on and not pay any atention to them.
He went out again and tried to not pay any atantion, but they saw him and he ran but they were faster and took his money again.
He came home, crying and mother came with a heavy stick and said go down buy the groceries and if you see those boys agian fight them. So he did what he was told and went out again. The boys saw him and yeld he just stood there and started to cry. when the boys aproached and began to grab him he shouted that he would kill them, he swung the stick in despair and felt it hit a head. The boys were suprised and scatterd and didn’t want to fight with him anymore.
The parents of the boys came out and shouted at them and he would give them the same treatment he did to the boys if they bothered him again.
He bought the groceries and went home with his stick. He survived the streets of Memphis.

onsdag 15 januari 2014

Baby's ears

1. Yellow hat. What was positive with this story?

2. Black hat. Was there anything negative in the story?

3. Red hat. What do you feel is about the story? bad, good?

4. Green hat. What could she have done instead of using the shells she had?

5. Blue hat. What did you think when you read the story?

I don’t have antything that i could compare with in real life in this story. That said I could understad why she is so caring for her grand-mother, I would also do something like that if my grand-mother felt so depressed and insecured near other people. So i feel like that’s something I could compare it with, not that it’s happened to me and I don’t think it will happen to me. That is the closest I could think of.

fredag 10 januari 2014

Lång liv

Långt liv upptäcktes 2030  av misstag genom en medicin som användes för att bota aids, cancer och hjärtsjukdomar genom att byta ut celler. Det var en doktor ... och staten ville inte använda långt liv för att man var rädd för pension, doktorn dog till slut av ålder för han inte fick ta medicinen och staten tänkte på att man kunde få folk att jobba mer om man gav dem långt liv. År 2065 gjorde man långt liv lagligt och man började tillverka det i alla stora länder, de fattigare länderna fick in långt liv senare och terrorister attackerade Storbritannien och långt liv blev billigare. 2080 fick man bara ha ett barn men senare fattade man att det blev för mycket och att ett barn är så farligt.