Discussion leader:
Red hat: How would you feel if you find out that a rellative of yours was a murderer/rapist?
Yellow hat: Is the book easy to understand so far?
Black hat: Do you think the book is hard to understand.
Blue hat: What do you think the motive of the brothers actions where?
White hat: Who in the book do you think is the most exiting character
A summary from page 45 to 90
Dale/Glen is out on the schoolyard and goes up to two girls. He asks them if they went to discos. They just laughed him right in the face and a lot of people saw it. He later was out talking to his new friend Will. He saw the whole thing at school and thought that Glen made them laugh, but Glen said to him that they laught at and not with him. On wednesdays Dale went to a counsellor. His name is Rolf, or that’s what people call him. His job is to keep Dale from becoming like his brother, that is Dales biggest fear at the moment. They meet at a place that isn’t that popular among the kids from Dales school. Dale talks to him about a dream and the time the two girls mocked him at school. Dale likes Rolf because of him listening to everything he says. When they leave they never leave at the same time.
Later he talks about books with his friends.
He and WIll finds themselfs ending up in a fight with Hawthorne and his companions. Dale thinks that this time they wont win. A bit in to the fight Dale takes a chokehold on Hawthorne and starts pushing his thumbs in to his throat. He can feel Hawthornes streght fading and stops when he remembers his brother squeezing the life out of someone. He let go and Hawthorne hits him in the groin, Dale is paralyzed of the pain.
Dale later talks to Rolf again about what happend.
Effort: försök, ansträngning
Qualifications: kvalifikationer
Camouflage: kamouflering
Decorations: dekorationer
Bumping: stöta in i
Decision: val
Pshychopaths: psykopater
Blaming: skylla på
Telltale: kontrollampa
Analyse: analysera
Cataloguing: katalogisera
Pulsating: pulserande
Alphabetically: alfabetisk
Arrangements: arrangemang, planeringar
Reflectory: matsal
Dormitory: sovsal
Parsonage: prästgård
Scenario: scenariot
Futile: meningslös
Gleaming: glimmande
Creative connector:
The closest connection i can find between this book and the outside world is movies. When my parents and I see a movie we often discuss and talk about it. For an example, in the book a boy and his family has to movie from the town they live in beacuse the brother in the family had murdered and raped 5 women and the family was branded forever. Some movies have a simular situations, the life of the maincharacter changes in an instant and he/she has to run away from their former lifes. The only simularity in this book to the real world is that people change if something happens to their family.
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